

I have definitely been struggling with high-horse thoughts as well as complaining. Loneliness and the high school have been dragging my attitude down! It's not an excuse, but an external attack on my flimsy internal self. Thank GOD for conviction. After coming home yesterday, all I wanted to do was complain and threaten to quit the profession and run away to the mountains somewhere... where there are mountains. My attitude, admittedly, was extremely poor.

Instead of posting my woes on a public forum, I read a book on thankfulness. I read quotes that talked about thankfulness and trust washing away complaints and fears. I ate a bowl of cereal. I asked for PRAYER on facebook, instead of divulging complaints. I napped. THEN, after I had slept, I talked to Mike and Rachel on the phone and they both listened as the dams crashed down and I admitted my discouragement. They pointed me towards God and encouraged me.

God answered prayers today. He sent me a very clear message of my weakness. He also sent me a very clear message of His strength. Thank God for growth. He will provide.

I am thankful for Lent. Thank you if you are praying/have prayed for me. Please continue to do so if you feel led. :]

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