

Honestly, doing my Advent discipline has been harder at home than it is at school. There are so many distractions and so many things I feel like I should be doing. Also, coming home can be hard because it is easy to gossip about people you haven't seen in a while or family members that you don't get along with. Also, complicated past friendships and relationships are pushed back into your life. These things have affected my attitude and I can say that I haven't been loving people the way I should be. This is the week of love, so I intend on paying extra attention to this and asking God to help me love like he loves.


  1. I feel the pull of my family toward gossip sometimes. I come from a small town and there is always this propensity toward gossip, what we often call "catching up." Thank you for a little conviction, I'll be in prayer for you!

  2. Now that I'm home, I want to really discipline myself too. To show myself than intentionality and discipline isn't a "while I'm at school" or a "while I'm with certain people" thing. It's a ME thing.
