

I'm thankful to be home and anxious to see how I do with the Advent discipline. I know it will be challenging for me here. There is so much extra time since I have no homework or obligations, but there are so many other things I can do that could distract me or hinder me from being disciplined and really digging into the readings over the next week and a half. These are just some thoughts :)

So, today's reading was Isaiah 64: 1-12. I remember when we were first learning about Isaiah, Mike had us get with a partner and read a certain chapter of Isaiah. Bethany and I were partners and read Isaiah 64:1-12. When we first read it, we picked it apart and found it to be pretty dreary and odd. It seemed dark and sad. Now, looking back with more knowledge of Advent, it seems to sum it all up super well. We are so broken. "All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away" (Isaiah 64:6). There is truly no hope for us accept through Jesus. It seems to tie in with a part of the video Mike posted concerning the fact that many of us have felt emotionally and spiritually broken or "strained", as Mike stated. Advent is the realization of how much we need Christ to come and save us. This passage has definitely begun to make more sense to me and tie so well into Advent.

1 comment:

  1. I truly love your reflections. I want to use these times of joy and love in order to stretch my imagination about the contrast of Christ in the brokenness. What it looks like now and what it will look like. Where Christ is there is beauty. I want to BELIEVE that.
